Ready To NavigateThe Break After Heartbreak But Don't Know Where To Begin?
 If you'd like to have me as your personal guide, on your heart sabbatical, don't wait!  We start July 19th!

Created By A Psychotherapist Specializing in Healing Trauma After Toxic Relationships.
Ready To Heal After Heartbreak, Abandonment And Rejection 
But Don't Know Where To Begin?

✨Picture This:✨

No longer feeling that knot of anxiety every time your phone lights up, wondering if it's them.

You go about your day with a sense of calm and peace, 
no longer dependent on whether they "act right"

Nights spent sleeping peacefully, your mind at ease, instead of replaying conversations and beating yourself up over what you could have said or done differently.

The fear of being alone no longer paralyzes you, 
because you know you're capable of creating a fulfilling life, with or without a partner.

You're no longer stuck, hurt, and confused - you're healing, evolving, 
and becoming a version of yourself that you feel good about.

And here's the thing - even when you find yourself drawn to someone who doesn't treat you well,
you now have the tools and self-awareness to recognize the pattern and choose yourself instead.

It's In These Moments Of Clarity And Insight
That You Begin To See The Bigger Picture...

You realize that these painful patterns aren't just affecting your romantic life,
but they're also showing up in your friendships, your work, 
and your family dynamics.

You see how you've been accepting less than you deserve in multiple areas, constantly seeking external validation and approval.

You recognize how these unhealthy attachments have drained your energy,
leaving you feeling unbalanced and unfulfilled.

The Inner Circle Will Literally 
Help You With All Of The Above.

You'll swap your daily diet of self-doubt for a helping of self-worth. 

No longer obsessing over every text they didn't send 
or losing sleep over arguments that happened eons ago. 

You'll stop being the martyr, the 'fixer' in every relationship, 
and start setting boundaries that are stronger than your empathy.

Now you're entering relationships, not fueled by anxiety and fear, 
but from a place of self-awareness, self-trust and a desire for true connection. 

You're now the main character in your own life, no longer accepting the bare minimum but embodying the respect and love you deserve.

Welcome to your everyday reality.

✨Now, I Get To Show You The Exact Path To:✨

...replace forest-fire love with a slow, steady appreciation of your worth, so you don't rush into relationships head-first. We give you the blueprint in our Breaking Premature Attachment In Relationships masterclass.

...rediscover your strength, so that you can love with all your heart, but not lose yourself in the process. This journey begins in The Art of Self-Love and Boundaries masterclass.

...rind the courage to acknowledge when a relationship isn't serving you - and the strength to walk away, even when your heart is whispering 'stay.' We'll guide you through this in the Healing Your Self-Concept After A Painful Relationship masterclass.

...cut through the haze of obsessive thoughts and reactive emotions to find a place of calm understanding, where you'll respond, not react. We'll take you through this shift in the Shifting from Survival Mode to Thriving Relationships masterclass.

...kick abandonment fears to the curb and embrace your worth, knowing that you are enough - just as you are. You'll get the keys to this mindset shift in the Overcoming Toxic Shame masterclass.

...release the grip of the past and stop replaying old arguments in your head - instead, use that energy to write your new love story. We open up this perspective in the Finding Closure After Heartbreak masterclass.

...ditch the 'savior' cape and hang up the 'fixer' hat. Start nurturing yourself first and foremost, instead of pouring all your energy into fixing others. We delve into this transformation in the Healing The Savior/Fixer Complex masterclass.

"...This is the NETFLIX for healing after toxic relationships!"

"By far, your are the only therapist that totally nails why we do what we do while giving us the tools to truly become introspective and heal. With everything I have, thank you! Since following you on Instagram 1 year ago you have completely changed my life!" MB

"Hey Ginger, I really wanted to express my appreciation for your content. Almost every post you make resonates so highly with me, and has helped me heal so much. I recently joined your inner circle membership and am super impressed by the high quality of your content. Its insightful and super actionable, and gives me so much comfort. I'm sure you hear this a lot but your work really makes me feel seen. Keep doing what you're doing - it's such good, healing work!
Thank you a million!"

"Hello! just signed up for The Inner Circle, I am 3 mins in to the first video on obsessive thoughts. WOW I feel so seen and understood and not so alone because obviously enough people feel this way for there to be a master class. I was starting to get really dark but this makes me feel like there is hope and that I'm not crazy!!
Thank you!!!!!"

"I have been going to a therapist for almost a year now but I attribute Gingers work and this group of women to the vast majority of my healing" 

"Y'all you NEED THIS PROGRAM. It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I am writing this as someone who decided I would just sit and watch bc I'm "better now" but NOPE I was not better enough. I just fell for the same old fucking trap bc it came in different packaging, and in retrospect ALL of Ginger's words and sayings filled my mind and I was like "DAMMIT if I'd just done the whole Inner Circle Program the first time, I could have avoided this! Truly."

Let's break down how it all works, 
so you can start healing, growing, and thriving right away!

First things first, once you log in, make sure to watch the Getting Started video. It'll give you a clear idea of where you're at in your healing journey and help you choose the phase that resonates most with you. 

Now, here's where the magic happens - dive into any of the masterclasses that speak to your heart, whether they're in your current phase or any other that piques your interest. Each one is designed to offer you the insights, tools, and "aha" moments you need to break free from unhealthy patterns and step into your power. 

But we don't stop there! To really integrate all this juicy wisdom, complete the workbook questions that come with each masterclass. This is where you get to apply the lessons to your own life and start seeing real, tangible shifts. 

And if you ever feel stuck or have burning questions, that's what our amazing community is for! Post your thoughts in the Facebook group and get ready for an outpouring of support, advice, and virtual hugs from women who get it. 

Oh, and don't forget about our live workshops where you get personalized guidance, ask me anything, and explore the latest masterclass in depth. It's like having a wise big sis and a cheerleading squad all in one! 

The key to making all this knowledge work for you? Implementation, baby! Take the insights you gain and weave them into your daily life. Start small, be patient with yourself, and watch as your world begins to change in the most beautiful ways. 

And here's the best part - this is an ongoing journey of growth and self-discovery. Explore a new masterclass, and uncover a new layer of your own magic. Rinse, wash, repeat so that we can continue to support you from hurting to healing and thriving!

I'm so honored to be your guide on this path, and I can't wait to witness all the incredible transformations you'll create in your life. You've got this, and I've got you! 

And just in case we haven't met, 
I'm Ginger Dean, psychotherapist, author, 
and founder of Loving Me After We. 

I've walked the path you're on - and even wrote a book about it!

Loving Me After We was born out of this journey, a promise I made to God: If he would help me pull myself out of this emotional rut, I'd devote my life to helping others do the same.

Today, we're the leading community for women healing from toxic relationships, with over 20,000 enrollments who trusted us to guide their healing journey.

I've had the honor of working with a pretty diverse group - from survivors of childhood abuse, substance misuse, domestic violence, to veterans, top execs, and government officials. Trust me when I say, I get the multifaceted impact of relationship trauma.

Because I've been on both sides - the one healing and the one helping others heal. Now, I'm using my story to help thousands of women across the globe on their healing journey.

My job? To save you a seat on the years-long therapy train so that you can ultimately create the kind of love life that makes you feel amaaaaZZZING - even if it doesn't feel possible right now.

And speaking from personal experience, joining this journey will be the best call you've ever made. It sure was for me.


Our holistic approach means Not only will healing Painful Relationship Patterns improve your love life, but it will also have a positive impact on other areas of your life as well.

In the workplace, 
you'll be better equipped to set boundaries, assert yourself, 
and even ask for a raise or start that business with confidence. 

With family members, 
you'll learn not to personalize their behavior 
and recognize generational trauma patterns so that you can break the cycle. 

In friendships, 
you'll become skilled at setting boundaries and pinpointing harmful behavior, 
ensuring that you surround yourself with supportive and nurturing connections. 

Lastly, you'll feel empowered to speak up for your needs
and create amazing relationships that love and support you back!

Your journey towards healing doesn't have to be a lonely or daunting one. 

Picture yourself a year from now, in control of your narrative, radiating self-love and peace. 

This is not just a dream, it's a reachable reality with the Inner Circle. 

Here's to the dawn of your best self, here's to the beautiful love affair with yourself that awaits. 

Sign Up Below!  I can't wait to meet you!

* No commitments,  join any time and cancel when you're ready
* Access on all your devices from anywhere in the world, even on mobile 
*Relationship status doesn't matter

What Members Say:


Hi Ginger, I want to share since joining the Inner, I catch myself asking what's the thought/feeling in between x & x. I receive so much clarity from this, & respond instead or react. You often asked others this in the live calls I've replayed. Hope you understand what I mean, haha.


I'm honestly in tears of joy in finally understanding myself more deeply with this course Thank u!!! 
Just things click and I'm getting a lot of clarity for everything. I know now why if feels to be empowered and love myself and what I see here and in the program shows me how freaking far I've come! And areas I can keep loving and accepting myself more. And I can finally feel feelings lol


Hello! just signed up for The Inner Circle, I am 3 mins in to the first video on obsessive thoughts. WOW I feel so seen and understood and not so alone because obviously enough people feel this way for there to be a master class. I was starting to get really dark but this makes me feel like there is hope and that I'm not crazy!! Thank you!!!!!


I recently joined your inner circle membership and am super impressed by the high quality of your content. Its insightful and super actionable, and gives me so much comfort. I'm sure you hear this a lot but your work really makes me feel seen. Keep doing what you're doing - it's such good, healing work! Thank you a million!


I recently joined your inner circle membership and am super impressed by the high quality of your content. Its insightful and super actionable, and gives me so much comfort. I'm sure you hear this a lot but your work really makes me feel seen. Keep doing what you're doing - it's such good, healing work! Thank you a million!


She puts her all into everyone of her clients. I love that she walks with you on your journey, she won't abandon you or your process. Step up and commit to yourself and walk how her magic allows you to fully embody yours! I'm gushing but I love this woman so much!


Like a midwife you were there and you get it! You really do get it! With your help, I birthed this new woman looking at me every morning and I love her so much! It brings tears to my eyes just saying that but it's true.

What Members Say...

 Cheers to the new generation of women raising their standards 
and getting into the best love affair they’ve ever known
 - starting first with themselves.

Are you next?


20k+ women served


Content created by psychotherapist specializing in healing trauma 
after toxic relationships



20k+ women 

PROGRAM LED BY psychotherapist specializing in healing trauma 
after toxic relationships





This Program is not a substitute for psychotherapy, doesn't not constitute a provider patient relationship and it is not for 
diagnosing any underlying conditions. We cannot promise or guarantee any results as each participant is solely responsible for any personal and professional growth.